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I want OSM DB as I need to use some map polygon (GEO cordinates) data of nodes as read only purpose in my current application. As I can see Nominatim is little bit tough and too large to install. SO please suggest me another way so I can just mirror the existing mysql / postgresql DB.

I have already tried the way as defined below as I could read from the openstreetmap book: -> Ruby and rails installation with the basic gems -> Installation of required gems for the OSM db migration -> rake db:migrate

And I could see few tables and could run the osm search website on my 3000 port. But I can not see the polygon data in that DB and I found that it is fetching the polygon data from the Nominatim API at the run time.

If anyone has already done this installation and he has already this OSM DB with polygonic data in his server then please let me know so I can mirror it on my server.

Or let me know the easier way to get the data in my server.

asked 23 Jun '12, 07:37

Ravi%20Kotwani's gravatar image

Ravi Kotwani
accept rate: 0%

You can use osm2pgsql to get data into database. You can then modify stylefile to get only the polygons you want into database.

You can find all necessary steps on switch to osm page. As you do not need the rendering part just read the parts that describe db setup and data import. In case you need to keep this db up to date also take a look at osmosis.

permanent link

answered 23 Jun '12, 11:58

RM87's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 23 Jun '12, 11:59

I have already tried all these steps, but getting 2 much errors while importing planet file. So now I don't want to do all this as I need the DB for read only purpose. So I would request you to give me export of your complete DB if you have this DB on your server. I am ready to pay for this also. Please give me your contact details so I can contact you personally.

(25 Jun '12, 08:16) Ravi Kotwani

Unfortunately the only export format provided for osm in the planet.osm file. DB dumps are not provided.

There are various companies that provide OSM services who may be able to assist on a commercial basis - you can find a list here:

(25 Jun '12, 10:06) twain

You may begin with some smaller extracts from geofabrik, so reaching those errors and retrying won't take long (some minutes for extra tiny area compared to some days for full planet). If everything goes well with small extract then everything should also go well with planet file.

If you reach an error you could not figure out (even after refreshing break) then post it here, to the forum (better place for discussions) or ask on the irc.

(25 Jun '12, 19:43) RM87

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question asked: 23 Jun '12, 07:37

question was seen: 5,263 times

last updated: 25 Jun '12, 19:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum