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Perhaps I'm missing something obvious, but for installing Ushahidi and wanting to use openstreetmap as my map provider, I need an API key for OSM. However, it's not clear to me at all where i get the API key.

asked 22 Jun '12, 11:09

LTLT's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This question is probably better addressed to the Ushahidi help forums, but a quick search on their site suggests you need an API key if you are using Google Maps as your base layer - see pages 8 (9/95) and 12 (13/95) in the user manual.

Note in particular the paragraph:

"Because of the way Ushahidi is configured as well, even if you choose Yahoo or OSM, you’ll need to enter a Google API key. Click the link beside that field to get one for your domain and enter in the value provided."

permanent link

answered 22 Jun '12, 11:36

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

edited 22 Jun '12, 11:37

Thanks. That's what I'm doing now. That is, using Google Maps. The Ushahidi installer is not in accord with the line you picked up from their website.

Anyway, are you implying that no API key is needed to use the OSM API?

(22 Jun '12, 11:44) LTLT

OSM does not provide an API for delivering tiles. This is done using something like Openlayers or Leaflet to display the images that OSM do generate. But these tiles are only suitable for low usage (see for more details). Other people also render tiles in many different styles using OSM data and for some you may need a key (I think Cloudmade might be one such example). I don't know whether Ushahidi render their own OSM based tiles, or not, and really these are questions best suited to their help forums.

(22 Jun '12, 12:17) EdLoach ♦

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question asked: 22 Jun '12, 11:09

question was seen: 40,810 times

last updated: 22 Jun '12, 13:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum