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How is a good way to add house numbers when the house building is not shown and in such a way that reverse geolocating will find it later?

Specifically, it seems to me that a X,Y point will not work and what is needed is a polygon showing the general shape of either the house or house's property. Google maps can reverse geolocate addresses by dragging a marker to the house property and I would like to add addresses in a way that also does that.

From what I'm seeing, many in OSM would like specific points for addresses, like front doors, but I would like areas, for future reverse geolocating. Any ideas? Thanks.

asked 21 Jun '12, 20:54

DavidLR's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Nov '13, 15:40

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

If you do not have the outlines of the building add a simple one (four corners) tag the adress and add something like "note=outline to be checked"

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answered 30 Nov '13, 18:27

hfst's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You don't have to add a building outline. If you know lat and lon of the address, it is enough to add a node with the addr key. Adding a whole building just allows to draw a nice looking map but is not required for finding the address.

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answered 21 Jun '12, 21:01

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks. I'm trying to wrap my head around this 'node' thing. Let's say I add a node with the addr key, then come back some time when it's been updated into OpenStreetMap and I'm reverse geolocating by dragging a marker across a zoomed-in map. When will I enter the boundary for this address? As I continue dragging, when will I exit ? I'm working on a website that uses reverse geolocating, in addition to having users add addresses.

(21 Jun '12, 21:19) DavidLR

I really don't understand what boundary you want to add and what it has to do with addresses and reverse geolocating. Please explain it.

(21 Jun '12, 21:28) scai ♦

By 'boundary' I mean the edges of that property. Assume a portion of a street has 5 houses on each side. As I drag a mouse along each side of the street on a map, I want each address to show up as I pass over that property.

(21 Jun '12, 22:11) DavidLR

Reverse geocoding tools will usually just choose the address closest to your position. This works with either nodes or building outlines.

(22 Jun '12, 01:29) Tordanik

You have to understand that OSM contributors can specify addresses on 'nodes' or 'areas' where the area is usually a building footprint. It is very unusal to map house properties (parcels) in OSM. So you will have anyway many empty 'areas' without any address, you will have to find out the closest one (either a node or a building).

(22 Jun '12, 12:13) Pieren

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question asked: 21 Jun '12, 20:54

question was seen: 8,919 times

last updated: 30 Nov '13, 18:28

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