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Please accept my apology, if my question is not very professional, as I am just started to work with OSM. The administrative boundaries between districts (admin level 9) in Berlin/Germany are often shown twice, but slightly different. Here an example: Way ID 24792156 (Gesundbrunnen/Pankow) is shown on the standard OSM-map. Way ID 115947730 (Gesundbrunnen/Pankow) is not shown on the standard OSM-map, but this one corresponds exactly to the topographic map of Berlin 1:10.000. What is the reason to store two slighly different administrative borders for the same entity ? For what reason is Way ID 115947730 not shown on the standard OSM-map ?
Before I change data I would like to understand more about this feature. Many thanks !

asked 21 Jun '12, 15:45

Fred-1's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Fred, I would suggest that the German mailing list (talk-de) or the German forum are probably better places to ask your question. Or potentially even the local Berlin list.


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answered 21 Jun '12, 17:35

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

I'm not German but having a look on both ways, it looks like one of them is obviously a dupplicate. The newest one (Way ID 115947730) has been created by 'mj10777' and the tag "boundary=administrative" is missing, the reason why it is not rendered. Also the older way (ID 24792156 ) belongs to relations which are the real identifiers of the administrative boundaries (relations with "type=multipolygon" or "type=boundary" + "boundary=administrative"). The newest way has been added with a comment suggesting that the source is perhaps more accurate. This is a valid reason to replace an older way (which could be re-aligned instead of creating a new way) but you should contact this person and asking him/her why he did not suppress the old version, why his version is not completely tagged (missing "boundary=administrative") and why it is not part of the boundary relations.

(22 Jun '12, 12:24) Pieren

Answer converted to comment. The issue with these borders is well known and doesn't have to be discussed here. That is why I referred to the Berlin community.

And naturally, yes, the Berlin/German community should fix the issue at last.

(22 Jun '12, 16:53) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 21 Jun '12, 15:45

question was seen: 7,935 times

last updated: 22 Jun '12, 17:07

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