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I don't know why, but if you look at the following map, there obviously is one "Valmeinier" too much at the bottom of this map section. However, I cannot find the node or the outline where the name "Valmeinier" is specified. Would be great if someone could have a look at this and fix this.

Thanks, katze_sonne

asked 21 Jun '12, 14:16

katze_sonne's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Jun '12, 17:18

stephan75's gravatar image


This is the center of the boundary relation for Valmeinier.

permanent link

answered 21 Jun '12, 14:56

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%


In France, we have a relation for the municipality boundary (the relation) and a node for the place itself. Usually it is the same name but not always. Also, the place node has the advantage to show the real geoposition which is not necessarily the case with the boundary (where the name is displayed at the polygon centre, not where the village is). What we do is that we link both, the place and the boundary with the role 'admin_centre' into the relation. The problem of seeing two times the name on the map is a rendering issue, not a modelling issue.

(22 Jun '12, 12:29) Pieren

Thanks a lot for your answer. I didn't look for any relations that far away from the name and therefore I was really confused about that "name from nowhere" ;) I didn't know these facts about boundaries and places in Frace, so thanks for your help!

(23 Jun '12, 12:30) katze_sonne

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question asked: 21 Jun '12, 14:16

question was seen: 3,759 times

last updated: 24 Jun '12, 17:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum