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How can I use OSM in an Android application?

asked 21 Jun '12, 12:16

OSMDEV's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Jan '15, 01:30

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Please be more specific in your question. Do you want to use OSM on Android? If so, do you just want to show a OSM map (online, offline?) or do you also want to enter data for OSM? Do you want to create an OSM application for Android instead? Or something completely different?

The wiki has a large page of Android related OSM stuff.

(21 Jun '12, 12:28) scai ♦

I am creating an android application and want to use OSM data there, showing a OSM map online. Any help would be appreciated.

(21 Jun '12, 12:42) OSMDEV

There are several libraries for Android that allow displaying OSM-based maps, including at least:

In addition to that, the Android wiki page has a full list of OSM software running on Android, including not just map viewers, but also routing and editing applications. A lot of these are Open Source, so code sharing/reuse would be a possibility.

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answered 21 Jun '12, 12:59

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

edited 21 Jun '12, 13:03

Is there any existing libraries that would allow creating apps for editing data in OSM servers from android?

(14 Aug '13, 06:17) Nirab Pudasaini

Apart from the above mentioned libraries , you may also find Graphhopper useful if you plan to use routing (Especially offline routing) with your android app. It is easy to integrate with Mapsforge.

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answered 14 Aug '13, 06:16

Nirab%20Pudasaini's gravatar image

Nirab Pudasaini
accept rate: 40%


suggest not using "above" but rather referring to post by author or title. Your relative position in a list may vary along time and you might even find yourself king of the heap, with nothing but blue sky above you. :) PS: UPVOTED

(17 Feb '16, 15:32) tonyGil

Please be aware that there is a tile usage policy. If your app becomes popular it could easily overwhelm the OSM servers if that is where you get your tiles from. If you use OSM data to render your own map tiles or use OSM data to create a vector map you will not cause a problem.

There are other providers of map tiles based on OSM data too.

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answered 22 Jun '12, 21:21

ChrisH's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Watch This Video! [1]: Hope It helps! This video is in Portugese, But still if You repeat all hi code!Or if you have coded maps before. You will get the same results.

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answered 09 Sep '15, 04:56

AzaWiza's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Sep '15, 18:28


You should at least mention that this video is not in English but in Portuguese.

(09 Sep '15, 08:25) scai ♦

Some of us are native speakers. valeu, irmão. UPVOTE :)

(17 Feb '16, 15:34) tonyGil

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question asked: 21 Jun '12, 12:16

question was seen: 94,502 times

last updated: 28 Jan '20, 22:34

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