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I have been experimenting with generating Garmin maps with mkgmap, and then converting them to Garmin's Mac-platform ".gmapi" format for using them in RoadTrip, by using "Gmapi". This works great, except for one thing. The maps are always named "OSM Map", and that means that I can only install one at a time — they seem to overwrite each other. Now, mkgmap has gazillion switches for setting various names and identifiers on maps. Which one of all these is it that I need to change?

asked 21 Jun '12, 09:08

turepalsson's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

--family-name and --area-name did not make much apparent difference. Eventually, I concluded that --series-name seems to be the critical one.

Here is what my workflow looks like:

I start with a bunch of .osm.pbf files, let's say rhone-alpes.osm.pbf and ile-de-france.osm.pbf. I run 'splitter' on each one of these, each in a "clean" directory, giving each a unique --mapid. So, r-a might get 19710001 and i-d-f gets 19720001. This results in a set of tile .osm.pbf files named 19710001.osm.pbf, 19710002.osm.pbf and so on for r-a, and 19720001, 19720002, etc for i-d-f.

I then run mkgmap once for each directory. I set the family ID to 1971 for r-a, 1972 for i-d-f. The family name, series name and area name are all set to the basename of the .osm.pbf file it started with. This gives me (in each directory) files named osmmap.tdb and osmmap.img.

Finally, i open each osmmap.tdb file in Gmapi builder and hit "convert". This gives me rhone-alpes.gmapi and ile-de-france.gmapi. These can be installed by double-clicking them, and display fine in Road Trip and Base Camp. The only remaining problem is that I can only see one of them at a time. Is it possible to have maps that are installed separately, but display at the same time in e.g. RoadTrip?

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answered 21 Jun '12, 14:30

turepalsson's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

--family-name and perhaps --area-name will let you set display names of maps differently.

More importantly, you need to set --product-id to a different value for every map, otherwise your garmin device will only see one of the *.img files.

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answered 21 Jun '12, 09:54

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 21 Jun '12, 09:08

question was seen: 4,777 times

last updated: 21 Jun '12, 14:30

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