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Could anyone please explain why entity of Republika Srpska (one of two entities or parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina) is named "Republic OF Srpska", like it is independent Republic??? According to Dayton Peace Agreement, the name of that part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is ENTITY OF Republika Srpska (on English language as well), since REPUBLIKA is part of the name of that entity i.e. Republika Srpska equals to the name Burkina Faso, two parts of the name, and not the name of sovereign republics i.e. Republic of Ireland). In this case Republika is not equal to Republic, but just part of the name without attributes. Therefore OSM maps of Bosnia and Herzegovina should be corrected without saying Republic "OF" Srpska, but instead Republika Srpska, or Entity of Republika Srpska (Entity is REGION not a STATE).

Thank you!

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 20 Jun '12, 08:57

alenmahovic's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Naming decisions in OSM are usually not made by a central body but by the mappers in the region.

The Wikipedia article on Republika Srpska claims that: "... the government of Republika Srpska uses the semi-Anglicized term Republic of Srpska in English translations of official documents ...".

Therefore I don't see why it should be wrong for us to use this name.

However if you wish to discuss this with users in the region, pick the relevant local mailing list from and have a go.

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answered 20 Jun '12, 09:20

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 20 Jun '12, 09:39

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question asked: 20 Jun '12, 08:57

question was seen: 7,423 times

last updated: 20 Jun '12, 09:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum