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The JOSM help says this:

To reuse the tiles over JOSM sessions without having the reload them from the server, right click on the WMS layer and set a bookmark. During the next session, select the new WMS created by the bookmark in the WMS memu.

But I don't seem to have a 'bookmark' option in the layer contextual menu. Am I missing something obvious?

asked 18 Jun '12, 07:59

samwilson's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Anyone find a WMS imagery provider for North America Satellite imagery?

(10 Mar '16, 21:13) gregcrago

This is what the layer context menu looks like for me (in the current stable version 5267):

Screenshot: JOSM’s WMS layer context menu

When using “Set WMS Bookmark” a new entry is added to the “Imagery” menu.

The other possibility should be to use the context menu entries to save to and load the WMS layer from a file. With this all cached tiles and server settings are saved to one huge package file which can be loaded later and on a different machine, too.

permanent link

answered 24 Jun '12, 14:00

hfs's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

Thank you. I don't know why, but I'm now getting the same thing. I have updated JOSM since I posted this question, so perhaps something changed; perhaps I'm just blind!

(19 Jul '12, 03:43) samwilson

Make sure you have WMS layer and not a TMS layer. For TMS there is no need to set a bookmark, but on Linux it may be useful to change the cache path (advanced preference key imagery.tms.tilecache_path), so the cache doesn't get cleared on reboot.

(19 Jul '12, 18:02) bastik

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question asked: 18 Jun '12, 07:59

question was seen: 6,392 times

last updated: 10 Mar '16, 21:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum