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I have a number of maps of the Tonopah Test Range. I entered two street names just to see how they would look before spending a lot of effort on naming more roads. The link goes to "Repeater Road". The font seems very small. You need to zoom in quite a bit to see it at all.

I found the message regarding changing XML to increase the size, but I see nothing in Potlach2 to allow the font size to be change.

asked 14 Jun '12, 20:19

gariac's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

When you edit OpenStreetMap you are editing a database of geographic data. This data can be used to create many different variations of maps, such as the standard map, the cycle map, the transport map and so on.

So you don't get to control the font size on a particular map directly, it's up to the cartographers to choose how things look. Potlatch 2 is for editing the geographic data - what type of feature it is, what the name is, etc - but the cartographic representation is completely separate - what colour is used, how wide the line is, what the font size is, which font is used etc.

So don't let the small font size on one particular map dissuade you from entering the data. Either now, or in the future, someone will produce another map from the same OSM data using different fonts in different sizes, that you might prefer to look at. But the geographic data, that you enter with Potlach2, will be the same.

permanent link

answered 14 Jun '12, 21:48

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

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question asked: 14 Jun '12, 20:19

question was seen: 5,733 times

last updated: 14 Jun '12, 21:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum