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I'd love to get custom tiles in my Android? I mean, I would like to have the possibility to define in an Android App's setting's that I want the App to show me specific tiles based on a TMS (or WMS?) URL.

So far I have only found gvSIG that would seem to offer this option -- but I don't get at least its TMS to work; I've tried adding{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png and{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png but neither seem to work (and the latter works fine in JOSM).

Not to make this a gvSIG-specific question (which I need to ask the developers of that app I'd like to know if anyone has found an Android App that would offer this functionality?

-- Side note -- I'd especially love to see the Stamen Satellite+Labels (via tiles but also other tiles that are not available on any app I know of (such as Stamen Watercolor) but there are a number of other interesting tiles out there that are not on mobile apps.

asked 14 Jun '12, 20:06

jaakkoh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Jul '12, 18:00

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

I bit more information would help here. You say "but I don't get at least TMS to work". Does that mean:

  • You've got a mapping application on your Android phone and would like to configure it to use customised tiles from somewhere different that you will supply?
  • You're accessing a web site from your Android phone and would like to know of another one that allows you to define customised tiles somehow?
  • Something else?
(15 Jun '12, 16:43) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks for the comment. I've revised the question. Is it now more understandable?

(15 Jun '12, 23:30) jaakkoh

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question asked: 14 Jun '12, 20:06

question was seen: 5,180 times

last updated: 09 Jul '12, 18:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum