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H&R Block is a company where you get help to prepare your tax forms. How should I tag that?

Name: H$R Block Office/shop: Tax ?

Note that taginfo shows more shop=tax than office=tax... I didn't expect that. What about office: accountant? That would be simple but it's not exactly right.

asked 13 Jun '12, 00:26

Hugues%20F's gravatar image

Hugues F
accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Jun '12, 00:50

What's wrong with "office=accountant" for this kind of business?

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answered 20 Jun '12, 16:24

Circeus's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

office=tax sounds better; you could go there for tax services, not to 'buy a tax'. The 'office=' tag group was created after shop= , and that's likely why there are more shop=tax than office=tax.

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answered 13 Jun '12, 02:06

Mike%20N's gravatar image

Mike N
accept rate: 17%


n my opinion office=tax should be reserved for government tax offices not for tax accountants or tax advisors even though they have offices

(07 Aug '12, 13:35) andy mackey

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question asked: 13 Jun '12, 00:26

question was seen: 9,959 times

last updated: 07 Aug '12, 13:35

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