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I just recently discovered openstreetmaps, and i quite enjoy using it. (Actually I also made a small donation to help you guys :D )

However, there's this one thing that bothers me tremendously. I just don't understand why the name "BELGIQUE BELGIË BELGIEN" is used for Belgium.

With 60% of the population, Dutch/Flemish-speakers are the majority in Belgium. Whereas French speakers and German-speakers count for respectively 40% and 1% or so. And even when you sort the names alphabetically "België" should come before "Belgique".

Since language can be a rather sensitive issue in Belgium, I hope someone can make the effort of changing the name to "BELGIË BELGIQUE BELGIEN".

thank you in advance. with kind regards, ben

asked 13 Jun '12, 00:22

sb_'s gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

In general it is up to the local community in question to decide on naming questions, most likely the current naming is the result of a compromise.

name:nl, name:fr and name:de should contain the variants for the respective languages.

BTW the project is named openstreetmap (no s).

permanent link

answered 13 Jun '12, 07:48

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 13 Jun '12, 00:22

question was seen: 4,712 times

last updated: 13 Jun '12, 07:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum