Hi, I need extract tunnels from OSM file. Does exist any way how do it please? More detailed explanation: in fact I need solve two task: 1) extract tunnels to separate file (and compute some statistics over this file) 2) "Clean" roads from the tunnels - result will be layer of roads with "holes" in positions, where were tunnels. |
You can do this in many different ways. What are your capabilities/ what do you want to do with the data? How much data do you want to analyze (the world, one country, a city?). Do you need a rendered version? The answer to your question depends on your specific needs and possibilities. Please keep in mind that if you are only after "real" tunnels this is not trivial (if not impossible), because a lot of mappers abuse the tunnel=yes tag for situations that technically are not tunnels. Another complication arises from the fact that the technical definition of a tunnel differs in different countries. Do you want to use one definition for all tunnels in the world or use definitions on a by-country base? |
Have a look at Osmfilter or OverpassAPI ...there you have different features to filter data from local extracts or a mirror of the main OSM database. |