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I heard something about "ban potlatch". Are we going to ban potlatch? If so, when?

asked 27 Oct '10, 23:57

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

Russ Nelson sums it up best in a mailing list post from 2009 - "Periodically people blame bad editing exclusively on Potlatch and call for it to be banned - to the point where it's become a running gag."

The phrase originated a few years ago when many new users were making mistakes using Potlatch's "live edit" mode, and blame fell on the tool, especially from JOSM users. Since then it's been used as a parody of an over-reaction, often with deliberately mis-typed exclamation marks e.g. "BAN POTLATCH!!!!1!!1!".

It's worth noting that the current Potlatch, "P1", is going to be replaced with a ground-up rewrite known as "Potlatch 2" at some point soon. So although it's never actually in danger of being banned, it's going to go the same route as the Java Applet and our other historical editors and be consigned to history.

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answered 28 Oct '10, 09:04

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

edited 04 Nov '10, 11:36


The joke even made it to the actual map data on quite a large scale, apparently when Tiger data was being cleaned up back in 2009; see this video at about 3:15:

(29 Jun '16, 02:52) stephane-gui...

@stephane-guillou: Thanks for sharing that nice pick! :)
I forwarded it to the OSM weekly.

(29 Jun '16, 14:26) malenki
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answered 28 Oct '10, 19:42

davespod's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Oct '10, 19:49

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦


Ah yes but "Potlatch now occur frequently and increasingly more over the years as families reclaim their birthright. The ban was only repealed in 1951"

(05 Nov '10, 09:03) Harry Wood

Actually I'm noticing that a lot of the time that Potlatch 1 can load data were Potlatch 2 times out, so in those times I use the Yahoo imagery and hope the eventually Potlatch 2's speed will improve.

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answered 26 Aug '11, 23:54

Sundance's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

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question asked: 27 Oct '10, 23:57

question was seen: 12,197 times

last updated: 29 Jun '16, 14:26

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