Is the Garmin software well regarded (the CD that came with it - or the one downloaded from their website), or would I be better off with something Open Source? Does GPSBabel work with the yellow GPS 60 and do all I need to download tracks? The GPS-60 isn't listed in the PDF manual amongst the Garmins :( (I don't like to install software unless I'm sure it's what I want) Thanks - Looking forward to contributing if I can get the tracks off the GPS! :) | I just found this. There maybe software updates for the GPS 60 from garmin but I wouldn't advise a third party update. Babel and some other mapping programs will help you download and edit your traces as will Garmin Mapsource or Garmin Basecamp and are both freely available, I am sure someone will post links if you need them. Yes you will have to download tracks for editing or trimming ready to upload to OSM 1
Thanks, I'll give GPSBabel a go in the next few days, quite happy for now adding various items to the local map.
(11 Jun '12, 18:02)
The USB lead says I ought to install the Garmin software before connecting it, otherwise it won't have the drivers it needs. So I suppose I'd better do that - even if GPSBabel works regardless (?) I don't want to end up not being able to use the thing (connection and/or Garmin software, later perhaps) because of driver problems?
(12 Jun '12, 00:02)
I would try the garmin software but not using it won't do any harm either
(12 Jun '12, 22:09)
andy mackey
I found drivers on Garmin's website, they were quick and painless to install. Then I tried GPSBabel, and with the lead connected and the unit switched on, a symbol lit up on the top of the GPS-60's screen to show it was connected. In GPSBabel I selected tracks, gave it the output filename and type of "GPX XML" and away it went, with a countdown bar and a bleep from the GPS when transfered. Result!
(14 Jun '12, 09:22)