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Is the Garmin software well regarded (the CD that came with it - or the one downloaded from their website), or would I be better off with something Open Source?

Does GPSBabel work with the yellow GPS 60 and do all I need to download tracks? The GPS-60 isn't listed in the PDF manual amongst the Garmins :(

(I don't like to install software unless I'm sure it's what I want)

Thanks - Looking forward to contributing if I can get the tracks off the GPS! :)

asked 10 Jun '12, 20:09

OffTheChart's gravatar image

accept rate: 0% I just found this. There maybe software updates for the GPS 60 from garmin but I wouldn't advise a third party update. Babel and some other mapping programs will help you download and edit your traces as will Garmin Mapsource or Garmin Basecamp and are both freely available, I am sure someone will post links if you need them. Yes you will have to download tracks for editing or trimming ready to upload to OSM

permanent link

answered 10 Jun '12, 21:24

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 11 Jun '12, 22:32

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦


Thanks, I'll give GPSBabel a go in the next few days, quite happy for now adding various items to the local map.

(11 Jun '12, 18:02) OffTheChart

The USB lead says I ought to install the Garmin software before connecting it, otherwise it won't have the drivers it needs. So I suppose I'd better do that - even if GPSBabel works regardless (?) I don't want to end up not being able to use the thing (connection and/or Garmin software, later perhaps) because of driver problems?

(12 Jun '12, 00:02) OffTheChart

I would try the garmin software but not using it won't do any harm either

(12 Jun '12, 22:09) andy mackey

I found drivers on Garmin's website, they were quick and painless to install. Then I tried GPSBabel, and with the lead connected and the unit switched on, a symbol lit up on the top of the GPS-60's screen to show it was connected. In GPSBabel I selected tracks, gave it the output filename and type of "GPX XML" and away it went, with a countdown bar and a bleep from the GPS when transfered.


(14 Jun '12, 09:22) OffTheChart

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question asked: 10 Jun '12, 20:09

question was seen: 11,044 times

last updated: 14 Jun '12, 11:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum