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I have downloaded historical planet file from 2006 year. When I tried working with this file by osmosis, I get error message "Expected version 0.6, but recieved 0.3" It is possible convert planet file from ver 0.3 to ver 0.6 ?

asked 10 Jun '12, 15:34

kope's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Jun '12, 08:18

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦

Why don't you use a recent planet file? And please don't put two different questions together.

(10 Jun '12, 16:32) scai ♦

2 scai: Because I need draw a comparsion between OSM layers from different times.

(10 Jun '12, 17:36) kope

Hi, welcome to! It is strongly discouraged to put several questions into one question post. Therefore I removed the second question from your post. If you still need the information, please ask a separate question. Also, include some more information, such as why you need this, this will help to get you a good answer.

(11 Jun '12, 14:26) sleske

As an alternative: Have you tried using an old version of Osmosis?

(14 Jun '12, 13:42) sleske

Planet files of versions 0.3 and 0.4 had a very different data model; instead of ways that consisted of nodes, they had ways which consisted of segments and those, in turn, consisted of nodes. There are several issues with representing these files in today's data format:

  • segments that are not used by any ways require special handling (should they be converted to pseudo-ways, or ignored?)
  • segments could have tags; but what would one make of those tags when converting a 0.6-style way?
  • in 0.3/0.4 it was possible to have non-contiguous ways; areas with holes were formed by a way that had both the outer and the inner ring's segments.

So when converting data from that old format, there's no clear-cut way and you will have to make some decisions.

There is a script that can do the conversion here:

(despite the name, it should be safe for 0.3 also). I have also uploaded an old (060814) planet file which has already been converted to 0.6 format here:
permanent link

answered 11 Jun '12, 21:34

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Frederik: Thank you for answer and script!

(12 Jun '12, 15:59) kope

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question asked: 10 Jun '12, 15:34

question was seen: 6,094 times

last updated: 14 Jun '12, 13:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum