Hey! Is there any chance to mark a bicycle shop inside the Open Cycle Map with the yellow icon (black bike is on it)? I've seen these icons a lot at various bicycle shops in Berlin, Germany and added another shop and repair-station, but I cannot set the corresponding symbol. The only chance is to set the usual shop logo, which is not seen on lower zoom levels. Thanks for answering & keep enjoying mapping our world! Micha |
According to this page "The map is updated every week (on a Thursday or Friday, normally) with the latest data from OpenStreetMap". Maybe it wasn't updated between adding the shop and looking at the map? If not, perhaps you could provide a link to the area concerned? Thanks! I did the editing stuff at the beginning of the week as I can remember. So I think it's worth to wait for the update next week. Here are the coordinates of the bicycleshop if it's interesting enough - tiny nice bike-repair station that offers well updated retro-roadbikes from the 70s - early 90s: Stahl + Wolle - Berlin, Germany Best, Micha.
(09 Jun '12, 13:46)
(09 Jun '12, 18:54)
andy mackey
sorry this is not the cycle map of course.
(09 Jun '12, 18:56)
andy mackey