I want to use my Garmin Hcx to follow an OSM route relation. How do I get this on the device in the form of a track - or is there another way? asked 08 Jun '12, 13:15 urbanrambler1 |
One handy website that'll give you a ready-made gpx for various routes is lonvia. Not all osm routes are there, but if the one you want is there, it's as easy as it get (find you route in the list, and clisk on the [gpx] button). Once you have the file (via lonvia or josm or something else), put it in your gpx/archive folder on the garmin device, and it'll be selectable in your "manage tracks" garmin menu entry. answered 08 Jun '12, 15:54 Vincent de P... ♦ Thanks for the responses, especially the second bit by Vincent - Garmins are not that intuitive at times.
(08 Jun '12, 16:39)
Thanks for the response, especially the second bit. I'll give it a try.
(08 Jun '12, 16:42)
Update to my own question. Garmin appears to have a limit of 500 points per track, so to download an OSM track (which is point-intensive but very accurate):- 1. Download the GPX for the route 2. Use GPSPrune or similar to split the route/relation into sections not exceeding 499 points 3. Load each of these sections onto the Garmin using Mapsource or GPSBabel, either as a route or a track. That works for me. answered 24 Feb '13, 22:13 urbanrambler1 I know a limit of ~ 500 points for saved tracks but not for the "active log" (which has round about 5000). So you also could transfer the whole track (without splitting) into the "active log" of the device (if this operation is supported by your software and device). A description in German for a specific software, other software has an option to use the "active log" as target. Update: Yes, the active log will also be used to record the current journey-you'll see the planned track and the actual tr.
(24 Feb '13, 22:26)
aseerel4c26 ♦
@aseerel4c26 - "track" in the above answer means "track in the Garmin sense", not "GPS trace".
(24 Feb '13, 22:28)
SomeoneElse ♦
@SomeoneElse: sorry, I don't know the difference. I know that Garmins know of tracks (which also can be uploaded at OSM.org - "traces") and routes (collections of waypoints).
(24 Feb '13, 23:11)
aseerel4c26 ♦
@aseerel4c26 - d'oh! You're right of course - I was thinking of "routes" (which on a Vista HCX can consist of up to 500 "waypoints"), both of which are distinct from "tracks" and "trackpoints".
(25 Feb '13, 11:22)
SomeoneElse ♦
That's very useful information about the 'active log', but does this prevent the same device (Vista HCx) recording my current track at the same time? Fortunately I now also use a Qstarz data logger (excellent!) so that wouldn't be a problem. answered 24 Feb '13, 22:55 urbanrambler1 please add as a comment - not an "answer". I will reply then.
(24 Feb '13, 23:08)
aseerel4c26 ♦
See above.
(24 Feb '13, 23:15)
Another possible way of getting relation details into a Garmin is to append the name of the relation to the ways that are part of it - have a look here for how to do that. answered 08 Jun '12, 17:49 SomeoneElse ♦ |
Fetch the relation in JOSM, then fetch it's members. Convert the layer to GPX. answered 08 Jun '12, 14:26 Baloo Uriza |