Is it possible to select only 1 layer, i.e. "water" from whole map? How can I do such query? I need to export/extract such data for my project.
This question is marked "community wiki".
OpenStreetMap data isn't sorted into layers, but instead uses tags to distinguish one type of feature from another. You can use a package like Osmosis to filter out just the data you're interested in based on those tags. Alternatively you can download prepared extracts of OSM data from several providers, but they may not have the exact type of data you're looking for. You should also be able to use to download only objects with specific tags.
(08 Jun '12, 15:41)
Vincent de P... ♦
Tell us a bit more about your project: Will you be doing this only for a small area, or for a whole country? What kind of output are you looking for - map tiles, SVGs, shape files...?