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We have written a free OpenStreetMap add-on for our web-based CRM product, and our lawyer has asked that we talk to the community to confirm that we're OK to release it as we're not sure what exactly the derivative work is.

Our customers will have existing companies and their addresses stored in the CRM product. Our add-on lets them search OSM for an address and displays a map with the closest match. The user can then centre the map and press a save button to indicate that this is the exact location of the company. This saves the coordinates against the address.

At this stage, the user can see other companies etc on the map who have also had their coordinates saved in the database. This is done by floating our own icons on a new tile. We also show local amenities in the area (e.g. hotels etc) - this is all OSM data, but is not imported or saved in our product.

We will release this add-on for free, and we are not distributing any data. Just allowing users to update their own data with coordinates from OSM.

Can anyone please help with this?

asked 08 Jun '12, 11:42

Eoin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Jun '12, 10:36

No problem here. You could even charge for your plugin. The only restriction is that you attribute the OSM data somewhere. Also, adding you private layer of information on top of an OSM "basemap" is not considered derivative work, so that information doesn't inherit the OSM license (of course, IANAL).

You could even (after suitable filtering/guidance) put some of the client's company data directly into the OSM db. Not all information that is desirable for the CRM is suitable for OSM, but things like the business name, type, website, and opening hours would be beneficial.

permanent link

answered 08 Jun '12, 12:11

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

Thanks Vincent.

We tend to provide plugins like this free of charge anyway, so that's not a concern. We're crediting OSM on the map. Adding customer data back to OSM is out of scope for our initial beta, but it's something we can look at, provided there aren't any privacy issues for our customers.

(08 Jun '12, 12:33) Eoin

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question asked: 08 Jun '12, 11:42

question was seen: 3,217 times

last updated: 11 Jun '12, 10:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum