Hi everybody, I'm currently working in the village of Lassay-les-Châteaux in France. I'm in touch with the tourism office, and I saw yesterday that they use a handdraw map of the village for the tourists, not very clear. I was thinking about OSM for giving them a clear and more useful map of their village (which attract quite a lot of tourists). But for this, I would need someone of OSM tagging the buildings of the village (since I cannot do it, I don't currently have a good connection here). Could someone take this in charge ? I'll complete with the road, name or little corrections. Thanks. |
For France there is indeed cadastre information available that can be imported into OSM. However as the wiki pages are in french I can't tell you how to do it. Google Translate seems to handle it OK, at least as well as Miles Kington would have done.
(09 Jun '12, 22:13)
SomeoneElse ♦
If this is where you mean http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=48.43523&lon=-0.49548&zoom=15&layers=M then it I think a group effort is the answer so that many trace a few buildings each. Yep, that's the village. But I've heard that some people can map all the buildings quite quickly using the "cadastre" ?
(07 Jun '12, 19:27)
(07 Jun '12, 20:22)
andy mackey
Thanks, but I know quite well what a cadastre is ;-). Some people on OSM can use the information of the french one to importe all the building in one time, quite quickly, like someone did it the last time I ask the question here :-)
(09 Jun '12, 20:10)
Start to look for OSM friends nearby (a la village) and work together to make the right plotting.
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