Hi! I've wrote a small application for getting a streets list for some city. First I've used a Odessa city. All was good. But after 3rd april OSM database was changed and my application is not working now. How these changes can be reverted? I've used Overpass API for getting a streets list. Now "node["name:en"="Odesa"]" returns a empty JSON object... My request (he was working early): http://overpass.osm.rambler.ru/cgi/interpreter?data=[out:json];node["name:en"="Odesa"];relation(around:1000)["admin_level"="8"];foreach->.a((way(r.a);node(w);););out; Thanks, Nikolay |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Problem solved" by Jonathan Bennett 08 Jun '12, 09:43
Seems like the place node still contains the name:en=Odesa tag, nothing wrong about the data. However the history shows it has been deleted and restored later, might this be the source of the problem? I don't know if your query is correct, though. My query is correct. But after deletion of node I suggest that all relations for this node was deleted also. So, seems like should be restored all relations for this node. I've received a good results before deletion - over 1400 streets for Odessa city. But now I can receive only several streets...
(07 Jun '12, 15:57)
Nikolay Druc...
You mean this relation? Before the deletion of the Odessa place node it has been a member of this relation with role admin_centre, now it isn't part of the relation any more. You might want to add it again.
(07 Jun '12, 17:02)
scai ♦
I think this relation is problem. But I don't know how to add Odessa node to this relation... If you can, please do this. Thanks.
(07 Jun '12, 20:08)
Nikolay Druc...
I've added it, wait until the Overpass API server updated its database and try your query again.
(07 Jun '12, 20:14)
scai ♦
Alex, thanks a lot!!!
(07 Jun '12, 20:17)
Nikolay Druc...
You are welcome, Nikolay. Seems like your query is working again.
(08 Jun '12, 08:17)
scai ♦
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Btw, do you know MapOSMatic (http://maposmatic.org/), a free, open-source online application generating streets directories and maps or booklets ?