How I can download "historical" osm data from It is possible do it by osmosis or XAPI? I need road/railroad data from the same region (whole Europe) and from different years, but I cannot find way, how extract these data. Thanks for Help. Miroslav |
The history data is dumped to special planet files located in Country level extracts can for example be found here There is an experimental osmosis plugin located here Note besides the files being unwieldly, a lot of the history file processing should be considered experimental at this point in time. You can extract the data for specific points in time from the full history files, this should work for full history extracts too. The alternative is to retrieve the individual historic planet dumps, the files with names in this format planet-YYMMDD.osm.bz2 (better in the compact .pbf binary format) and extract the region you are interested in. The later solution will require substantially more space and computing power than getting it to work with a already existing full history extract, bur may be bit simpler. 2
Thank you for answer, Simon. I am not familliar in OSM very well, but I think, that it is not solving of my problem. I don't need history of changes, but I need data from different time horizons (for example all roads from 31.8.2011, from 15.12.2010 etc.). I think, that I use XAPI for retrieving road data from osm database, then XAPI ask latest version of database - it is true? And I need select data from dump planet-330830.osm.bz2 for example. Now I try download appropriate planet file to my disk, try unpack it and select only roads by osmosis. But problem is size of data - iploaded dump is 16 GB for example, unpacked data are 180 GB for example etc. It is very time and disk space "expensive". That is reason, why I am looking any different way for data extracting.
(06 Jun '12, 18:31)
Please do not create new answers when you have further remarks, instead use the comment function. I've expanded my answer above.
(06 Jun '12, 18:36)
SimonPoole ♦
I am not sure why this showed up as a new question as it and the responses are all years old. But if anyone new comes along, I recently became aware of which will generate a before/after map for regions you specify. |
Please describe a little bit more what you mean by "historical" and "from different years". Are you referring to the historical development of the OpenStreetMap data over the past few years (since the OpenStreetMap project started in 2004) ...or do you mean the history of the railway itself (e.g. data on the railway network as it was in 1960) ?
2 Harry Wood: I mean state of railway/railroad mapping in different years. I need compare OSM data from given year/month with commercial product (e.g. TeleAtlas, ERM etc - for example TA data from 2Q/2009 and OSM data from the same time) from the point of view of coverage by data, rightness of attributes (mainly road classes), etc.