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The Cycle Map is showing the roads marked bicycle=no. Is this an oversight? It doesn't seem right to show those roads on a Cycle Map.

asked 05 Jun '12, 11:45

Fluclo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 Jun '12, 09:33

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦


Why not? Should lakes also be hidden on the Cycle Map?

I think this question should be handled somewhere else since what should or shouldn't be rendered on a map is a matter of discussion. Besides that, Opencylemap isn't a part of the core Openstreepmap so the issues should be directed to a forum handling that specific product.

(05 Jun '12, 12:59) gnurk

Sorry, careless typing above, what I meant to say is that they should be marked such to indicate cycles not allowed (such as private roads are shown with red/white, and permissive roads are shown with green/white), and yes, this should be bicycle=no and not bicycles.

(26 Jun '12, 01:51) Fluclo

This is really a feature request, not a question. You can make feature requests at .

(26 Jun '12, 09:04) Richard ♦

(for info the "careless typing" was "bicycles" rather than "bicycle" in the question, which I've since edited for the benefit of future viewers)

(26 Jun '12, 09:36) SomeoneElse ♦

There already is a ticket on Trac requesting this:

(26 Jun '12, 12:13) Vclaw

I wouldn't expect it to hide those ways completely. They are still there on the ground, still useful navigation aids to a cyclist, and may even be usable even if they are not legally ridable (e.g. some Cycle Streets routes will sensibly suggest you dismount and push the bike along a footpath, rather than take a long detour).

permanent link

answered 15 Jun '12, 17:20

GrahamS's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

Maybe this map will be useful, it has a 'non-cyclable' layer which means highways with bicycle=no tag as well as other situations where cycling is not permitted (eg highway=footway without bicycle=yes, or roads with access=no without bicycle=yes tags on it):

See also the wiki page for this map:

permanent link

answered 04 Jan '13, 12:55

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

edited 04 Jan '13, 12:58

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question asked: 05 Jun '12, 11:45

question was seen: 4,243 times

last updated: 04 Jan '13, 12:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum