I downloaded JOSM and would be a trail from London (uk) to Lofoten (Norway) onto a map. But when I pick the card comes a popup window informing that the download area is too large. But where / how do I get a short covering Scandinavia? |
Right-click on the GPX layer in JOSM's layer view. Then select "dowload from OSM along this track". JOSM will automatically split your track into lots of small boxes and download data from them. If your track does not go straight through lots of large cities, that should be reasonably quick. |
If I got you correctly, you have a trace from København to Rana. Now you want to use JOSM to enter data to OSM but JOSM complain about a too large download area. There is a restriction that limits the download area via the API to save resources on the server. If you would download a rectangular area in one go, there would also be a lot of data transferred that you don't use (because its not near your trace). To avoid the problem: Zoom in JOSM to see the relevant part of your trace, now download the area (as covered by JOSM's viewport) and edit. Move along your trace in JOSM (using the right mouse button) and download the next bit of data and edit again. This way you end up downloading smaller areas from the API and only the relevant data along your trace. If you should really intent to get data for entire Scandinavia you should use the database extracts which are provided for example by Geofabik. |
This is a restraint on the database server. You do not have to download the data along the whole trail at once since it is a long way from London to Lofoten by land. And your editing season could not cover the whole trip in one go. If the route is by boat remember that boats do not follow strict shipping lanes over open sea and the weather might change the course from day to day. But you do not have to download vast areas of sea since you can assume it is empty and just download the areas along the shore. |
I've made a mistake. The route is from København in Denmark to Rana in Norway. And the trail goes over land exempt a short ferry crossing. But should I download the map section to put them together afterwards in JOSM? 3
You've added this as an answer to your question. This could get a bit confused. This isn't like a discussion forum. Answers can shuffle up and down the page. It's better to just edit your original question.
(28 Oct '10, 00:04)
Harry Wood