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Close to my place, there is a shop called "Fuel" in which you can find food and supplements (proteins, vitamins, nutrition, etc.) for athletes and just that.

How do you think I should tag this shop?

asked 04 Jun '12, 03:38

Hugues%20F's gravatar image

Hugues F
accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Jun '12, 16:36

sleske's gravatar image


There are 25 usages of shop=supplements on taginfo, which also is a long-ago proposed tag

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answered 04 Jun '12, 16:44

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Ok, so I'll use supplements, I guess.


(04 Jun '12, 23:55) Hugues F

Actually, I just checked again and it's a shop where you can't buy "food", only proteins and vitamins. So, I guess the tag "supplements is preferable.

Thanks everybody,


(05 Jun '12, 19:52) Hugues F

I'd rather go for shop=health_food which seems somewhat closer, and has altogether ca. 60 uses (not clear if shop=health is the same, in which cases it jumps to ca. 100)

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answered 05 Jun '12, 04:13

Circeus's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%


Nice searching on taginfo! I'm not necessarily advocating shop=supplements, but I don't think either of these options is better, though. shop=health is really vague, and health_food as a value is really subjective. For example, a food cooperative that sells organic food, etc could be considered as shop=health_food, but IMO makes a lot more sense as a shop=supermarket.

(05 Jun '12, 15:04) neuhausr

"Organic food" is already on the wiki as shop=organic, and health_food specifically focus on the health_aspect that "supplements/vitamins" strongly suggest, while not excluding normal food (there's a local chain called "Le Naturiste" which would be shop=supplements because you can't buy, say, fruits and vegetables there).

(05 Jun '12, 17:10) Circeus

shop=organic is deprecated in favor of organic=*

(06 Jun '12, 14:27) neuhausr

In Britain many long-standing health food chains (e.g., Holland and Barrett, Neal's Yard) moved into selling supplements about 15-20 years ago, so they are definitely now a standard part of the 'health food' range. I'm open as to whether one should use shop=supplements or shop=health_food for this case, but I know I have to fix one I recently mapped!

(12 Apr '13, 07:58) SK53 ♦

We tagged an ecig website and physical store that sold the vapor products as health=supplements, but IMO that doesn't match either...guess you just gotta choose whats best :/

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answered 12 Apr '13, 05:30

cancer0debtor's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Apr '13, 04:45

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question asked: 04 Jun '12, 03:38

question was seen: 9,874 times

last updated: 15 Apr '13, 04:45

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