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I wanted to correct an error on the A1 slip road at Colsterworth, but was absolutely baffled by even the simple process of reversing the direction of an arrow. The cursor acquired a red dotted line that followed its every move and I found it impossible to get rid of it. There have been reports of people vandalising the maps, but I think it is far more likely that they simply can't work out how to operate the controls. I could find nothing in the help about this. It is very far from being intuitive.

asked 01 Jun '12, 08:50

Hereward's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Jun '12, 09:06

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


One thing that it would be helpful to know would be how helpful you found the help screens generally? There are several tabs - did you watch the video, or read much of any of the others? The bit that you were looking for is under "how to create a way" on the "adding" tab - did you get that far?

(01 Jun '12, 19:51) SomeoneElse ♦

I assume that you are using P2 (Potlatch 2), the editor that is embedded in the map view on

There is a concise introduction which explains the basic controls available by clicking on the "Help" button in the upper left-hand corner. The same information was displayed when you initially started the editor. You should defintely read the introduction before attempting to edit anything. P2 is a fully fledged OSM editor and due to that has a certain minimal level of complexity.

As long as you don't click the "Save" button no permament changes to the OSM database are made and you can simply exit by returning to the map view.

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answered 01 Jun '12, 09:03

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 01 Jun '12, 09:05

We're all volunteers, developers as well as mappers. The editor software has come on a long way since OSM was founded, but still has a way to go. If you would like to help improve it, I'm sure your time and enthusiasm would be appreciated - ask here or on IRC and we'd be delighted to show you how.

Richard (Potlatch 2 maintainer)

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answered 01 Jun '12, 16:53

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

With regards Colsterworth, I am not sure what you were trying to achieve, but your edits in this changeset now have the one way slip road which enables you to get on the A1 southbound not connected, so you can't get on southbound. Is this correct, or does this way need rejoining to the two way road to the east of it?

The red line in Potlatch2 shows where it will draw a line if you click again. To get rid of it, pressing the Escape key should cancel the way drawing. To reverse the direction of a one way arrow you need to click on the existing way (the line), and there will be an arrow in the toolbox in the bottom right hand corner that you can click to reverse the direction.

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answered 01 Jun '12, 09:14

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%


"With regards Colsterworth, I am not sure what you were trying to achieve, but your edits in this changeset now have the one way slip road which enables you to get on the A1 southbound not connected, so you can't get on southbound. Is this correct, or does this way need rejoining to the two way road to the east of it?"

Oops - redface - apologies, etc. You can exit the southbound carriageway of the A1 via a sliproad alongside the filling station, to get onto the A151. Yes, you can get from the A151 to go south on the A1 via that sliproad. To go north on the A1 from the A151, you have to turn left on that mini roundabout just before the A1, then follow the new diversion that takes you over both carriageways, then northbound on the next mini roundabout, which is also has an exit to Colsterworth village.

(02 Jun '12, 18:55) Hereward

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question asked: 01 Jun '12, 08:50

question was seen: 4,718 times

last updated: 02 Jun '12, 21:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum