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Hello all!
Is there a way to make all these possible:
- users want to view the map using desktop Java appliation with some moving markers on it - markers can report their positions in real time and desktop application can handle it;
- users want an application to have routing functionality;
- users also want to edit the map - add/delete some specific information;
- users does not have a possibility to download the map from the internet every time.

As far as I understood, fisrt I need to do is to set up a local map server:
- download the area users interested in from into local .osm file;
- edit downloaded .osm file in JOSM editor;
- set up PostreSQL;
- set up PostGIS extension to PostgreSQL;
- import local (edited) .osm file into PostgreSQL using osm2pgsql;
- set up Mapnik to generate tiles from PostgreSQL/PostGIS;
- set up Apache Web Server with mod_tile;
- create Java desktop (Swing) application with JMapViewer component.

If I put down everything correctly :), I want to ask some questions:
- is described way correct? or there is some other (simpler) ways to do that - may be to use Shapefiles and geotools instead of Mapnik?
- how to set up Apache+Mapnik+PostGIS on Windows to make it a tile server for JMapViewer like - I could not find any tutorial?

Thank you all in advance for answers!

asked 30 May '12, 16:00

pau-osm's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Did you get this working? I am looking to do something similar but without the routing/map editing. Most important to me is getting a real time marker representing a users location, the data will be pushed/pulled into the application from a smartphone

(27 Sep '12, 14:00) jamescross91

No, unfortunately not. I only can store tiles localy using and then make JMapViewer to read them instead of reading ... But JMapViewer has MapMarker interface which you can use to draw everything you need

(27 Sep '12, 19:16) pau-osm

To generate map tiles on Windows you can use Maperative.

permanent link

answered 30 May '12, 16:57

ChrisH's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

but tiles themselves does not provide me with the routing functionality (am I right?), the only help me to view the map in a fast way; and users can not add some specific info on the map (tile), genereated by Maperative ... so, this is unfortunatelly not the way for me to use OSM ...

(30 May '12, 17:08) pau-osm

Routing is a very different problem from displaying a map and not one that is tackled very often. There is more information here: A tool to create maps or map tiles will usually be separate from the tool that displays the maps tiles and a different tool will handle routing, probably providing an overlay drawn over the map tiles. Using Maperative or Mapnik (or anything else) to render the map is not going to provide routing, just the place to display the calculated route.

Of course, you might create a wonderful app that does everything.

(30 May '12, 17:28) ChrisH

I tried Maperitive to render the map tiles and JMapViewer to view them - everithing is fine, I liked it. So, thank you very much to make me thinking that way :) Now, it is time to find routing solution ...

(31 May '12, 16:45) pau-osm

Hi, I have Geoserver for my web map service, and I need serve map tiles generated by Maperitive. Did you use any tileserver for them or serve them directly from Geoserver or other map server?

(28 Jan '17, 22:53) mathew95

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question asked: 30 May '12, 16:00

question was seen: 27,520 times

last updated: 28 Jan '17, 22:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum