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I'm using Viking and it buffers OSM tiles in ~/.viking-maps

Does anyone know if, and how, to use this map data to render a (big) image file

Viking itself is limited to image generation of 5000 * 5000 pixels, which is too small, the alternative is too stitch smaller images, which is tedious, and not so accurate

asked 28 May '12, 17:10

JohnD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Currently there is no way for the end user to change this.

However if you can compile the source code then you can adjust the 5000 to the values you want in the code file vikwindow.c (see

Note there is also some work to make this bounding box visible on the screen, configurable and save-able - see

This may get reworked and included in the next version of Viking.

(01 Jun '12, 23:28) robbieonsea

Viking 1.4 has upped the limit to 50000x50000 pixels.

Although in practise (due the to the implementation) it is limited by (I think) the video cards display capability. So for instance I can only get it to work at 20000x20000 reliably, which takes several seconds to generate.

(03 Mar '13, 15:12) robbieonsea

One hint I can give you is Bigmap

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answered 30 May '12, 20:20

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Vikings max for 1 image files is 5000x5000. But you can also export a directory of images with a 10x10 matrix of 5000x5000 images. From there, you might be able to use GIMP to stitch them. Not sure if 50000 x 50000 is enough for you.

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answered 30 May '12, 20:24

jwernerny's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 28 May '12, 17:10

question was seen: 9,593 times

last updated: 03 Mar '13, 15:12

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