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Hi everybody

Here you can see the Rockhall concert hall . But I don't find any tag or building description who seems to be appropriate for it . So ? Is it possible to suggest new tag creation ?

asked 28 May '12, 12:37

clawfire's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 May '12, 16:09

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦


So you want something else than amenity=concert_hall? Looks like that tag currently is used by 71 objects worldwide.

(28 May '12, 12:52) gnurk

besides the first comment, you can also use amenity=theatre (which is often used for operas et al), if it is concentrating on "classical music" - Info here:

Smaller concert halls (which host e.g. aves, rock concerts) can also be tagged with amenity=nightclub:

If it is a multi-purpose hall (where not only/mainly concerts are held), you can also use amenity=community_centre - info here:

The borders between pub/restaurant/cafe/disco/nightclub and also theatre/opera/multi-purpose-event-hall is also irl very blurry, so use your common sense ;)

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answered 28 May '12, 15:22

moszkva%20ter's gravatar image

moszkva ter
accept rate: 17%

This subject has recently (July 2015) come up again on the talk mailing list. A wide range of tags are in use:

  • Albert Hall, London: attraction=music_venue
  • Concertgebouw, Amsterdam: amenity=theatre
  • Gewandhaus, Leipzig: theatre:genre=philharmonic
  • Musikverein, Vienna: amenity=concert_hall
  • Philharmonie, Berlin: amenity=theatre
  • Symphony Hall, Birmingham: building=concert_hall

Clearly the only appropriate tag is amenity=concert_hall. These are not theatres.

I suspect that amenity=theatre is widely used because these are relatively important destinations in large cities and theatres are rendered. This is therefore a case of "Tagging for the Renderer". If contributors feel that losing the rendering is too much of a deficiency I would suggest adding theatre=concert_hall as an interim measure.

I am submitting an issue for the CartoCSS style to render amenity=concert_hall to discourage this widespread practice.

Equally, abusing amenity=nightclub, neither helps locate music venues or helps those searching for the social life associated with nightclubs. Places such as Rock City in Nottingham are primarily music venues, but at present I do not find a good tag for these.

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answered 22 Jul '15, 12:42

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 28 May '12, 12:37

question was seen: 5,794 times

last updated: 22 Jul '15, 12:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum