The local government where I live publishes some maps of the facilities in the area (public toilets, parks, etc.). How do I import these into OpenStreetMap? |
One thing to consider is the quality of the data. Just because it is from the government doesn't mean it is high quality. For some data, such as boundaries, government sources are often the only source, but features that can be gathered on the ground might not be very accurate nor up-to-date. |
You must first ask yourself a more important questions: are you allowed to import that data to OSM. Licensing is a problematic topic and, unfortuantely, in many cases goverment-published data is not compatible with OSM license.
If the license is OK, then the rest depends on the format in which the data is published. Could you give us more information on the data you have in mind?
Once the license question is cleared, you need to find out the format of the data. The OpenStreetMap will certainly help you hack your way trough the hairiest data, but the more precise technical information you have about it the more painless the process will be.