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Hello, I have this question, which refers to the next European Championships in football (Poland-Ukraine 2012) :)

The classification of roads, and therefore the colors of roads on the map, can be very misleading. The blue and green colors are selected motorways and expressways, and in red - national roads - mostly single lane of collisional intersections. For example, in Ukraine, it seems that there is a huge network of expressways (collision-free) because they are marked in green, and yet these are the paths of the same class as the national roads in Poland (red). It thus seems that in one country is a well-developed road network, and the second almost no roads at all. Are you planning to somehow unify? In fact all green roads in Ukraine should be red, because they have collisional intersections, and mostly are single lane. Or put all red roads in Poland into green.

And a quick question no.2 - can I change the colors of roads in my webbrowser? Green expressways blend with green areas.

best regards,

asked 27 May '12, 14:41

sojomail's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 May '12, 14:42

Mappers in most countries choose the road classification that works best for the local situation. Our wiki says this about trunk roads:

Important roads that aren't motorways. Typically maintained by central, not local government. Need not necessarily be a divided highway.

The wiki isn't authoritative but this probably reflects what most people do. As you see, "collision-free" is not a required property for trunk roads.

The colour used for drawing these roads is not fixed; it's the renderer's decision what colour to use. We use green on the style for but e.g. or will use different colours.

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answered 27 May '12, 15:02

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 27 May '12, 15:06

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question asked: 27 May '12, 14:41

question was seen: 3,790 times

last updated: 27 May '12, 15:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum