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Very often we or I have the problem to find a fireplace for barbeque while driving around with my bicycle. It seems there is no exact definition how to tag those fireplaces. Some use tourism=picnic_site with fireplace=yes, some use amenity=bbq and some even use both.

The problem is, when I need to have a fireplace, most viewers, I'm currently using GpsMid, do not distinguish between picnic sites with and without a fireplace. But if you've got half of your rucksack filled with raw meat it'll make a big difference. ;)

How should I proceed when adding new fireplaces? What should I do when I find fireplaces that are tagged with picnic_site?

Thanks a lot for any help.


asked 24 Oct '10, 20:42

romanfi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

amenity=bbq requires a grill (metal grid to put your food on) to be present. fireplace=yes is just a place where lighting up a camp fire is permitted.

I suggest adding a separate node tagged with amenity=bbq where the barbecue is placed in case something is tagged tourism=picnic_site and fireplace=yes. Remove the fireplace=yes tag if there is no possibility to light a camp fire (for example if only a covered barbecue is there).

permanent link

answered 26 Oct '10, 08:42

Augustus%20Kling's gravatar image

Augustus Kling
accept rate: 0%

Hello Augustus,

Thank you for that answer.

If I understand you correctly, a fireplace e.g. made of stone without a metal grill, as we have them in Germany all over the place, will not qualify as bbq?

How can I find those using all the viewers I know of, e.g. GpsMid, when they are just tagged like a simple picnic site? Those viewers are not able to change the icon used by looking at fireplace=yes or to filter them by using this additional tag.


(01 Nov '10, 20:38) romanfi

Yes, I would say a simple stone circle does not qualify as barbecue. Instead those circular stone walls with movable metal grid as found on some locations (often described as “Grillplätze”) in Germany will qualify.

Unfortunately I can't aid you on your second matter. If the viewer program in question is not able to distinguish between the classification/tagging schemes there is no way to display that information.

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(03 Nov '10, 19:50) Augustus Kling

To find all bbqes AND picnic sited with fireplace=yes, use this link. If you are interested in differend area, either move there using mouse or use a seach in top left corner and the press Run to recalculate.

To get only picnic sites use this link.

To inspire you in mapping more places, this link gives you all picnic sites which have no fireplace tag, so the presenece of fireplace is unknown.

permanent link

answered 02 May '13, 16:10

gorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

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question asked: 24 Oct '10, 20:42

question was seen: 4,890 times

last updated: 02 May '13, 17:32

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