I tried following the steps on http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim/Installation after installing all prerequisits:
Compile the postgresql module:
Compile the Nominatim tool:
It seemed OK for all the steps until the last make that showed many messages including:
What's the problem? |
It seems that you do not have the command 'svnversion' on your system. You can install the package subversion to get it. I have added git and subversion to the requirements in the installation guide. Many thanks, Gnonthgol! I have got subversion installed. Now I still have one problem: "geos-config: command not found" Does this mean another package missing?
(28 May '12, 16:31)
Yes, you are missing the 'libgeos-dev' package. You can search for files in all packages at packages.ubuntu.com to find the package that includes the missing file or command.
(28 May '12, 20:14)
Gnonthgol ♦
Thank you very much!
(31 May '12, 19:28)