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I'm new to the OpenStreetMap environment. As the director of E-911 for Webster Parish, I'd like to contribute our centerline street files. It's in the form of an ESRI shapefile. I have downloaded the ESRI extension to ArcMap to work with OSM data. My department is 90% complete verifying the roads/ways in our parish (counties in other states). So, in the near future, we'll be complete.

My concerns are that I don't want to accidentally overwrite changes made by someone else even though ours should be the most accurate. I'm hoping to be able to upload our data (I assume we'll need to do some work with the fields). I have made a couple of small changes online to get the feel of the editor and things in general but I'm not an experienced user of OpenStreetMap.

I appreciate any comments and advice in regard to what I'm trying to do. Especially, insight in the best way to make our information available to the OpenStreetMap project.

Maybe, I should mention that as the labor to create and verify our maps are paid for by the citizens' tax dollars, I feel that the information gathered is public domain.

Thank you,

Dal Taylor Webster Parish Director, E-911

asked 25 May '12, 14:57

DalTaylor's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You should send a message to the local mailing list. They can help you with the import and merging. It will probably be some manual process to merge the datasets together.

Note that even if you feel that the data shold be given to the ones that paied for it (the citizens) there are others that think this is not the case and may take you to court over it.

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answered 25 May '12, 15:47

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thank you for the info.

(25 May '12, 17:52) DalTaylor

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question asked: 25 May '12, 14:57

question was seen: 3,460 times

last updated: 25 May '12, 17:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum