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Hi my requirement is to display a user input query into map result like this for that i need to use openstreet map(OSM). I gone through some articles but i am not getting. and i have some doubts

What is actually .osm data, why is used for? What is POI and usage of POI? How to use openstreet map for my requirement? Could you please guide me somebody who had already experience in this

asked 23 May '12, 11:31

Raj's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


It seems that you have to get familiar with the basic structure of OSM and what you can do with the raw data by using conversters, map formats and display frameworks.

So take three days or more and read many many pages in the OSM wiki at ... espacially about OSM elements, XML data, development, openlayers, framework, software, map display, rendering etc.

There are many opensource solutions for many ideas. YOU have to pick one and ask details about it here or at OSM forum or mailing lists when you get stuck.

If you want a service like the one from mapquest that you linked to: have you already asked mapquest how they did it?

permanent link

answered 23 May '12, 19:42

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%


Hi thanks for your response. Anyway i will ask the people who have already been done. Now i am testing with cloudmade js api.

(24 May '12, 05:10) Ilayaraja

@llayaraja I was just going to suggest the CloudMade tools. Be aware that they tend to be a bit slow in updating the OSM map data. I've seen it lag more than a month at times.

(24 May '12, 19:24) jwernerny

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question asked: 23 May '12, 11:31

question was seen: 5,683 times

last updated: 24 May '12, 19:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum