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I have a ship with course (for instance) : 284.7° (degree) Is it possible to show an arrow marker with the right direction?

asked 23 May '12, 10:02

afterbit's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You would probably want to look at using Openlayers to add your own custom defined markers, I think?

See this example as a very basic example for displaying your own markers. You would need to define the icons and update the textfile.txt as the direction of the ship changes to refer to the new icon. There are other examples on the wiki and on the OpenLayers site (although the latter aren't Openstreetmap specific).

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answered 23 May '12, 10:28

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

yes.. i have to deal with custom markers.. i didn't found anything in the openstreemap examples.. but i think that i can do what i want, doing several markers (arrow markers) each one with a particular direction (in example : up arrow, down arrow, left.. right..) and then, depending on the ship course degree, load the right arrow..

(23 May '12, 11:04) afterbit

I used custom markers once for a local pub map, with different markers for open, closed and for sale. I didn't have to update quite so often as you will though, so there may be better ways than that first example I mentioned.

(23 May '12, 11:11) EdLoach ♦

it would be enough, if there was a method to rotate the arrow marker icon.. so.. i should create only one arrow icon!!

(23 May '12, 11:41) afterbit

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question asked: 23 May '12, 10:02

question was seen: 4,188 times

last updated: 23 May '12, 11:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum