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I am mapping and looking for a code for a Sound barrier alongside a road, I already made a code, (barrier - soundbarrier) but it might be premature. Please tell me ! As I write it, there should be one already for use on airfields as a blast barrier !

asked 23 May '12, 00:08

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 24 May '12, 01:59

Tordanik's gravatar image


Combining the two tags barrier=wall and wall=noise_barrier is now (2018) by far the most common approach. The tags are documented in the OSM wiki on the Tag:barrier=wall page and others.

Some historical context: A possible alternative at the time of the question was barrier=noise_barrier. Back then, neither had been used much (58 and 29 times, respectively), and neither was documented in the wiki. Another variant, barrier=wall + type=noise_barrier, was also found in the database in small numbers. However, the very generic key name "type" is already being used widely for relation types and should therefore be avoided for other uses. As explained on the Key:type wiki page, preferable alternatives would be wall:type=* or the aforementioned wall=*.

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answered 24 May '12, 01:55

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

edited 05 Jan '18, 21:18

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


just for the record, the numbers three years later (by taginfo): 124 vs. 1545. And in the meantime we have a Polish documentation of this tag.

(27 May '15, 10:52) aseerel4c26 ♦

I think just barrier=wall would work (and is used). You could add tags for other attributes if you wanted like height. It looks like some people have added wall=foo, in some cases describing the material the wall is made of (eg stone) or its purpose (eg noise barrier). (see taginfo) It could be argued that what a wall is made of should be tagged with something like material= instead of wall=

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answered 23 May '12, 14:59

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Is it possible to add some extra's to the Polish page, and how ? I would prefer for instance to talk about adding things as type, material and operator.

(27 May '15, 15:52) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 23 May '12, 00:08

question was seen: 6,245 times

last updated: 06 Mar '23, 08:18

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