I'm trying to open a large OSM-File. Since it's 9GB I'm not getting anywhere with Editor, Notepad, JOSM, QuantumGIS... . I would need to change the "coastline" tag so it's not replaced at the import. Any chance to solve this? |
On the general issue of "how do I do stuff with large files on Windows" there are a couple of things that you might find useful.
You're not saying exactly what you're importing but in case you are using osm2pgsql, have you tried the Other than that, a simple tag exchange like that can easily be done with sed, e.g.
Yes I've tried --keep-coastline with osm2pgsql. The version I'm running says unrecognised option. I could not find a osm2pgsql version for Windows that knows this command... . Is there any i've just missed?
(22 May '12, 13:46)
The OS seems to be Windows (from comment on answer below)
Yes. Windows 7, 64 bit. Windows XP, 32bit would be also available.