If I map a trail with a GPS am I permitted to determine from, say, an OS map whether it is classed as a bridleway or as public footpath in order to tag it correctly in OSM? Similarly if I map the perimeter of a pond or lake can I determine the name of the lake from an OS map for tagging in OSM? In summary I'm asking the validity of determining the "identity" of a feature from "official" sources but not actually mapping the feature from those sources. |
No, I'm afraid you're not permitted to do this. If all OSM contributors did this then a substantial part of the rights in the map would be deemed to belong to the Ordnance Survey (or whoever). Instead, you should use on-the-ground evidence such as signs, and your own personal knowledge. OSM is an iterative map - it gets better over time through the attention of many contributors - so don't be scared of making an educated guess (for example, the regular presence of horses might suggest it's a bridleway rather than a footpath) and adding a little 'note' tag to say so. I thought the purpose of the definitive map (held by local authority) was to check the status of rights way either foot path, bridal way or byway, also commons/access land. surely if we walk a path which might have had it's markers ripped down how would we find out its status
(09 Feb '11, 07:48)
andy mackey
Some of the names are available in the OS OpenData that vagabond mentions and these can be used.
(09 Feb '11, 11:01)
EdLoach ♦
You can use old maps to get names, you need maps older than 1961, database copyright is 50 years. You can not scan those maps and publish them though since the design is still under copyright, but not the data. (IIRC IANAL) This is the situation in Sweden, should apply to other EU countries? You can use old maps in GB too (the original question mentioned the OS, so I'm assuming it's from GB) but you may need to be a little careful. Locally (East midlands of England) come places have changed greatly in significance and some names have changed completely. However, as Ed mentions in the comment to the other answer, OS Opendata has (since April last year) been an available source of current names. It's not always 100% correct (see the talk-GB mailing list for ways that this is being checked, marked and fed back to the OS) but it's more up to date than historical sources.
(09 Feb '11, 11:31)
SomeoneElse ♦
your question as promoted me to ask one about the Definitive map.the answer may help us all