In the available map of India, Part of jammu & kashmir (which is a state of india is shown in China and Pakistan. Though there are disputes regarding the ownership, but that state is eternal part of India (refer Indian national portal - Kindly correct the portion. Thank you. (similar case happened with Google Maps entry, which was later corrected with co-ordination authorities) |
The question has been closed for the following reason "also not a question" by Richard 21 Sep '18, 14:56
This site is meant for asking (practical) questions about the OpenStreetMap project and the technology it uses. It is not meant for requesting corrections to the map data. The way for requesting corrections to the data is to open a "Map Note" on the view, but in this case, that's not needed: see @keithonearth's answer.
(21 Aug '17, 04:15)
The OSMF policy on disputed areas really says all that needs to be said, see |
OSM has multiple borders between India, Pakistan, and China mapped. The claims of the 3 countries are all mapped. The border that shows most prominently is the de facto one. The areas administered by India are shown as part of India, those administered by China and Pakistan are primarily shown as part of those two countries, with the Indian claim only showing up when zoomed in closer, and as a dashed line. You might be also interested to know that the border shown by Google Maps has not been "corrected" as you seem to think, rather it displays a different map depending where the viewer is. One of the strengths of OSM is that it keeps the data separate from how it looks. This is good, as it allows different presentations of the map, by different people with different priorities. I like cycling, and maps based on OSM data exist that show cycle routes more prominently than highways that prohibit cycles. The cycle map isn't useful for everyone, but it's good it exists. In your case you prioritize the Indian border claims over the de facto situation on the ground. Fine, a map exists for you: It shows the Indian claims, what you refer to as a "eternal part of India", prominently as part of India. And it shows the de facto border less prominently. I think the way OSM does it, keeping clear what is de facto and what is claimed and displaying them differently based on the intended users, is good. If you want to see the international view you can go to, if you want to see the Indian view you can go to The user can choose. |
I think you may be referring to the area "Aksai Chin" in which I placed the marker here:
Is that the area you are talking of?
According to Wikipedia (see also, the area in question lies within the "Traditional boundary claimed" by Jammur and Kashmir, but is actually controlled by China through an agreement signed by China and India in 1993 and 1996.
Are you saying that the area is nonetheless usually shown as belonging to India?
Yes, Exactly the same area. I have got few more links here Indian Official Website for Maps - Survey of India Source -
Hope this makes matter clear
This is not a proper question. Closed, as explained in my answer.
Everyone knows Pakistan's and China's claim over J&K territory is wrong and baseless. Open street need to correct wrong map of India. We Indians contributing/volunteering for this nice campaign but its hurts when we see wrong map of our own country.