I have cell phones sending in their lats and long coordinates (no phone number or any other info) to report street and sidewalk problems. Then I take those coordinates and reverse geocode so that I can place lats, long, address, city, state, zipcode into the db. The information is then shown on a map on the website. Is this permissible by OpenStreetMap? How many times per day am I allow to call up the server to geocode? I believe Google's limit is 2,500 per day. http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lat=$lat&lon=$lon |
Re-read licenses of OpenStreetMap, there are free. Concerning nominatim you can read Nominatim usage policy about nominal server. But as free software you can build your own nominatim server and make as many request as you need. Note there also have other instances of nominatime server, like at MapQuest. All this information come from the Nominatim wiki page. |