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I am looking for a linux application for offline viewing of OpenStreetmaps 1) using some vector based files format 2) that can show gpx track files 3) no steep learning curve 4) no pre-loaded maptiles like tangogps and the likes 5) user instructions that are understandable for a non osm geek Thus essentially Osmand for linux! I like Osmand very much only the screen of my phone is so small! Thanks for any suggestions, Janwillem

asked 19 May '12, 20:46

Janwillemvd's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


you may have a look at OffRoad, an Osmand port to the desktop. It is a very young application, but already with many features of OsmAnd, though. OK, I'm the author of that application.


BR, Chris

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answered 24 Jun '16, 04:42

ChristianFoltin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Jun '16, 17:10


Thanks Chris for the tip and for making OffRoad. I installed it and am pretty happy with theis beta. I might post a few comments in google osmand.

(25 Jun '16, 19:41) Janwillem

@ChristianFoltin in general it is good form to indicate when one is promoting ones own project/product.

(27 Jun '16, 15:16) SimonPoole ♦

Have a look at the OSM wiki about wiki/Software/Desktop

There you can sort all tables according to Linux programs and (if you scroll down the page) about "show map as vector"

Thus you can find out what programs fulfil at least these two key features.

My recommendations from many month ago are Gosmore, GpsVP, mapFactor Navigator free (run it via Wine!),

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answered 20 May '12, 12:51

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Thanks, The page had occurred to me. I have tried quite a few of them. Two of them worked with me: 1) Navit but needs essentially a gps and has ugly rendering, disastrous config and showing stored track only via trick. 2) Monav (0.3) is very promising compact vector maps fast rendering but I do not see how to load a gpx track. I could not get Gosmore or Josm working without needing my 4-core AMD64 machine and hours of patience. So still for me Osmand is champion (10 GB and all maps of W.Europe) bud sadly only on my 5x8 cm Android phone. Cheers, Janwillem

(20 May '12, 22:12) Janwillemvd is quite nice, if not quite as flashy as other products.

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answered 27 Jun '16, 15:22

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 19 May '12, 20:46

question was seen: 19,622 times

last updated: 27 Jun '16, 17:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum