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Having had a short break from editing because of PC problems I find that a useful facility has disappeared from Potlatch 2. One could look at the history of a changeset from the drop down menu that gave a choice of rendering, where one of the menu items was Data. I cannot find this facility anywhere else, any suggestions.

asked 19 May '12, 20:16

gumpa's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you click the way/node id in the "Advanced" tab (way up in the left corner) it will bring up history of that way/node (and you can get to CS from there). But maybe that wasn't what you're looking for?

(19 May '12, 20:46) TheOddOne2

It sounds like you are are referring to the data layer, on This is not actually part of Potlatch 2, it is just part of the website.

It has been removed from the layer switcher (probably temporarily). It is now available by clicking on the little down arrow, next to the "Edit" button. Then choose the option for "Browse Map Data". For more details and an example image, see the wiki page: Data layer

permanent link

answered 19 May '12, 21:28

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

Thank you Vclaw - that was exactly what I was looking for.

(20 May '12, 21:35) gumpa

ps thanks also to TheOddOne2. Yet another way of finding the history of a change/edit.

(20 May '12, 21:39) gumpa

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question asked: 19 May '12, 20:16

question was seen: 3,246 times

last updated: 20 May '12, 21:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum