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What is meant by a generic path, as both generic path and path are used here in the uk, certainly where I live,

asked 19 May '12, 19:41

Burton%20wanderer's gravatar image

Burton wanderer
accept rate: 0%

I guess that you mean in the "Potlatch" editor (one of the Paths options along with Footpath, Cycle Path, etc.)?

(20 May '12, 01:02) SomeoneElse ♦

Hi Burton, Your up against the same problem as I am. Path is a possible route, but it has nt a exclusion for motor vehicles. Its just a possible route between A and B. Most of the time your able to ride it but I wont try to get stuck or end up at a dead end. Im adding the tags to specify, little trouble great effect. Fi every footpath can be used by a cyclist, but he / she has to be polite to pedistrians and give way, with one exception the specific sign Pedistrians permitted or designated. My vote is use tags to specify and the choice of name to the looks of the road !

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answered 24 May '12, 10:10

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Dear Richard, For the UK okay, but the rest of the world ? I would like to specify, if a transportation way is excluded. So between you and me theres at this moment a difference. But I dont count much Im a newby, but like to ad some stuff correctly. Greetz Nick

(27 May '12, 00:42) Hendrikklaas

The traditional way of tagging paths in OpenStreetMap is as a "footway", "cycleway", "bridleway" or similar, depending on the characteristics of the way and who's allowed to use it. This continues to be the dominant scheme in the UK.

Some people prefer a more fine-grained tagging scheme, and tag with "highway=path" (marked in Potlatch 2 as 'Generic path') then individually add the permissions ("foot=yes", "bicycle=no" etc.) appropriate to that path. This involves more tagging work but some find it more appropriate. However, this is a minority usage in the UK.

My suggestion for UK users would be to use the main footway/cycleway/bridleway tags, and only resort to highway=path for an informal cut-through that might not be a public right of way.

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answered 24 May '12, 10:43

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%


But don't assume that data users will know that it is an "informal cut-through" if you don't also add something like informal=yes. Informalness is not a part of the meaning of the highway=path tag by itself.

(24 May '12, 17:14) Tordanik

Thanks one and all.

(28 May '12, 14:02) Burton wanderer

If a path is not further qualified (as bicycle, foot, or whatever) then it is basically a way that excludes motor vehicles. Many ways tagged as path are also tagged for foot or bicycle, and access restrictions etc.

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answered 21 May '12, 00:58

samwilson's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 19 May '12, 19:41

question was seen: 4,611 times

last updated: 28 May '12, 14:02

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