A question about landuse = commercial: On the Wiki, the tag is not well documented, it sais "Predominantly offices, business parks, etc. ", that's all. Well, In the central part of my city, there are several non-residential buildings concentrated in an area, but many of them are also not offices. They consist of hotels, museums, theatres, some official buildings (like parliament and gouvernmental buildings), also schools and universities. Is in that case landuse=commercial appropriate, or is there another tag better? It is definitely not an office park, but the central district of a metropolis: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=41.69495&lon=44.80104&zoom=17&layers=M How about this tag centre_zone=yes? It is abandoned, but how do you think? http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/centre_zone |
If the area is mainly commercial that could be ok for now. Ideally if or when good Bing (or other provider with permission for our use) is available and you have the local knowledge the buildings can be individually mapped and tagged. the buildings are all individually tagged and mapped (see original question for the link to the area), but anyway, a landuse is needed, or not? The question is also, what is a commercial building? A hotel probably yes. A theatre and museum? Maybe. A parliament, university and school??? And there is my dilemma. It is definitely not residential. But also not industrial or retail... commercial = offices sounds best fitting to me.
(18 May '12, 13:24)
moszkva ter
In contrast to landuse=forest/landuse=meadow etc, I believe landuse=residential is most appropriate. One can use amenity=* to refine usage. 1
the thing is... in this area, there are theatres, university, museums and so on concentrated. Noone, except maybe the janitor, is living there. Therefore, residential sounds inapropriate to me. Well, at least a hotel is somehow residential, as people live there for short periods ;)
(17 May '12, 21:06)
moszkva ter