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Hi, I a total newbie with GPS and downloads of OSM My Garmin Nuvi 205 already has a folder titled GARMIN and in that folder there is already a "gmapsupp.img" file. if I copy the OSM routable file there, and open it, it wipes out my original gmapsupp.img file. if I copy the OSM routable file to a microSD card and open it there, my Garmin Nuvi 205 does not open the map.

What am I doing wrong?

Any / all advice is very much appreciated.

Thank you.


asked 11 May '12, 16:39

TangoBug's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Where did your "original gmapsupp.img file" come from? I have a Nuvi 265w (similar vintage your 205 I guess) and in the Garmin folder on Nuvi itself it has various files such as "gmapbmap.img" (the original Garmin base map), but no gmapsupp.img.

In the Garmin folder on the SD card I have:

   343482368 01-05 19:05 gmapsupp.img
        7168 01-05 19:05 osmmap.img
       10695 01-05 19:05 osmmap.tdb

which I put there myself. Your zip file doesn't have another folder in it, does it (i.e. you haven't ended up with h:/Garmin/Garmin/gmapsupp.img)?

Also, after copying the map to the SD card and turning on the Nuvi, what do you see when you go into "Tools / Settings / Map / Map Info"? Do you see one box to tick, two, or three?

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answered 11 May '12, 17:14

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%


very sorry for the late response.

tq for your reply,

my garmin nuvi 205 has the gmapsupp.img file in it, it seems to be for the Malsing maps after copying the pre-installed gmapsupp.img file and then deleting it, and using only the downloaded gmapsupp.img file in the microSD card, nothing shows up on the Tools/Settings/Map/Map info box.

maybe i will try to download the entire world map on a large capacity SD and try again.

(10 Jun '12, 16:51) TangoBug

Did you create a folder Garmin on your sd card and put the gmapsupp.img inside this folder? I also have a Garmin Nüvi 205 and this works for me.

(10 Jun '12, 17:01) scai ♦

Hi Scai,

yup, created Garmin folder on my sd card. but also the problem is then, i need different sd cards with the same file and keep switching everytime i want a new country/region.

also, i found the info below on wiki

To use these maps simply copy the "gmapsupp.img" file to your Garmin device. Notes: * Older Garmin Devices o The Garmin device loads a single map file called "gmapsupp.img". This file must be in a directory called "Garmin" on the SD-card (so the full path is "Garmin/gmapsupp.img"). If the "Garmin" directory does not exist on the SD-card, you will have to create it. o There can only be one "gmapsupp.img" file, so if the map is distributed as several .img files you will need to merge them together - this can be done with the mkgmap command "mkgmap --gmapsupp mapA.img mapB.img mapC.img [...]".

looks like i have to download the entire world map if i want to use only one gmapsupp.img file?

cheers and tq for your reply

(10 Jun '12, 17:10) TangoBug

No, the size of the region doesn't matter. But it is true that on older Garmin devices you either need different sd cards for different regions or replace/rename the ones on your single sd card because old devices only accept the Garmin/gmapsupp.img file. Or you have to merge them using mkgmap or some other tool.

How large is your sd card? There is a size limit for every device and a size limit for a single file due to fat32 limitations. So you cannot download the whole world. Also make sure to use fat32 as filesystem on your sd card. Then your map should appear in the map selection menu.

(10 Jun '12, 17:22) scai ♦

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question asked: 11 May '12, 16:39

question was seen: 13,931 times

last updated: 10 Jun '12, 17:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum