I added a way joining an existing cycle path and a road. This is the way that I added: http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/158514786 It shows that its end nodes are also parts of other ways, and it has also got the "bicycle=designated" attribute on. Yet when I go on www.openrouteservice.org and try to do a bicycle route from say Pos@: -0.769655 53.227528 to Pos@: -0.802614 53.222493 by bicycle, then it doesn't route using my new way. It should not go all the way east to Harby! i.e., should probably be significantly less than 10km, not 18.9km. Can anyone please let me know what I have failed to do or done wrong? Thank you |
http://www.openrouteservice.org/ says "OSM-Data for Routing: 11.03.12" and the first entry of http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/158514786/history says "Edited at: Sun, 08 Apr 2012 12:16:10 +0000". Why is that a problem?
(09 May '12, 17:09)
Because the data OpenRouteService.org uses is one month older than your addition to the OSM database.
(09 May '12, 17:17)