I am trying to use the below command to process some NMEA files, but it's resulting in
Can anyone shed some light on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks! |
Okay, I've got it all sorted. It seems a bit hacky, so if anyone's got any suggestions I'm open to them.
It is suggested to use -x track,start=19700101000000 to start a track file timestamp at 1970 Jan 01, 00:00:00 in the new OpenStreetMap book by Jonathan Bennett. This example is from a free chapter, here. http://www.packtpub.com/article/openstreetmap-gathering-data-using-gps Both new OSM books are worth having. http://weait.com/content/two-new-osm-books I saw that page, but I think
(22 Oct '10, 03:13)